Results for 'Liliana Inés Picone'

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  1.  30
    Bela Feldman-Bianco, Liliana Rivera Sánchez, Carolina Stefoni, Marta Inés Villa Martínez (Compiladoras), La construcción social del sujeto migrante en América Latina. Prácticas, representaciones y categorías, CLACSO - FLACSO – UAH, Buenos Aires, Quito, Santiago, 2011, 366 p. [REVIEW]María Gabriela Córdova - 2012 - Polis: Revista Latinoamericana 31.
    Una paradoja constitutiva de la cuestión migratoria a nivel mundial, tiene relación con el derecho humano a la libre circulación y la incapacidad política para avalarlo. Principalmente porque las garantías extendidas al emigrante no son las mismas que se ofrecen al inmigrante, y varían dependiendo de lo reconocido legítimamente por los Estados en su constitución y del interés, la conveniencia y la voluntad política de los gobiernos. Los que muchas veces tienden a politizar un problema social,..
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    (1 other version)Réplica de Liliana Brezzo.Liliana M. Brezzo - 2009 - Diálogos (Maringa) 13 (3).
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    Data infrastructure literacy.Liliana Bounegru, Carolin Gerlitz & Jonathan Gray - 2018 - Big Data and Society 5 (2).
    A recent report from the UN makes the case for “global data literacy” in order to realise the opportunities afforded by the “data revolution”. Here and in many other contexts, data literacy is characterised in terms of a combination of numerical, statistical and technical capacities. In this article, we argue for an expansion of the concept to include not just competencies in reading and working with datasets but also the ability to account for, intervene around and participate in the wider (...)
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    Handbook of Experimental Phenomenology. Visual Peception of Shape, Space and Appearance.Liliana Albertazzi (ed.) - 2013 - Chichester, West Sussex, UK: Wiley.
    Visual Perception of Shape, Space and Appearance Liliana Albertazzi. the sort I have in mind. What I am speaking of is the mandatory correlations between attributes of visual space (those of, e.g., surfaces, shape, distance, direction) and  ...
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    Transnational Cosmopolitanism: Kant, du Bois, and Justice as a Political Craft.Inés Valdez - 2019 - New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
    Based on the theoretical reconstruction of neglected post-WWI writings and political action of W. E. B. Du Bois, this volume offers a normative account of transnational cosmopolitanism. Pointing out the limitations of Kant's cosmopolitanism through a novel contextual account of Perpetual Peace, Transnational Cosmopolitanism shows how these limits remain in neo-Kantian scholarship. Inés Valdez's framework overcomes these limitations in a methodologically unique way, taking Du Bois's writings and his coalitional political action both as text that should inform our theorization (...)
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  6. Is the free-energy principle a formal theory of semantics? From variational density dynamics to neural and phenotypic representations.Inês Hipólito, Maxwell Ramstead & Karl Friston - 2020 - Entropy 1 (1):1-30.
    The aim of this paper is twofold: (1) to assess whether the construct of neural representations plays an explanatory role under the variational free-energy principle and its corollary process theory, active inference; and (2) if so, to assess which philosophical stance - in relation to the ontological and epistemological status of representations - is most appropriate. We focus on non-realist (deflationary and fictionalist-instrumentalist) approaches. We consider a deflationary account of mental representation, according to which the explanatorily relevant contents of neural (...)
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  7. Toward a Narrow Cosmopolitanism: Kant’s Anthropology, Racialized Character and the Construction of Europe.Inés Valdez - 2022 - Kantian Review 27 (4):593-613.
    This article explores the distinctions among European peoples’ character established in Kant’s anthropology and their connection with his politics. These aspects are neglected relative to the analysis of race between Europeans and non-Europeans, but Kant’s anthropological works portray the people of Mediterranean Europe as not capable of civilization because of the dominance of passion in their faculty of desire, which he ties to ‘Oriental’ influences in blood or government. Kant then superimposes this racialized anthropology over the historical geopolitics of Europe, (...)
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    The School of Alexius Meinong.Liliana Albertazzi, Dale Jacquette & Roberto Poli - 2001 - Routledge.
    This book presents an historical and conceptual reconstruction of the theories developed by Meinong and a group of philosophers and experimental psychologists in Graz at the turn of the 19th century. Adhering closely to original texts, the contributors explore Meinong's roots in the school of Brentano, complex theories such as the theory of intentional reference and direct reference, and ways of developing philosophy which are closely bound up with the sciences, particularly psychology. Providing a faithful reconstruction of both Meinong's contributions (...)
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    A Mathematical Science of Qualities: A Sequel.Liliana Albertazzi & A. H. Louie - 2016 - Biological Theory 11 (4):192-206.
    Following a previous article published in Biological Theory, in this study we present a mathematical theory for a science of qualities as directly perceived by living organisms, and based on morphological patterns. We address a range of qualitative phenomena as observables of a psychological system seen as an impredicative system. The starting point of our study is the notion that perceptual phenomena are projections of underlying invariants, objects that remain unchanged when transformations of a certain class under consideration are applied. (...)
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    The time of presentness. A chapter in positivistic and descriptive psychology.Liliana Albertazzi - 1999 - Axiomathes 10 (1-3):49-73.
  11. The Freestanding column in eighteenth-century religious architecture.Antoine Picon - 2004 - In Lorraine Daston (ed.), Things That Talk: Object Lessons From Art and Science. Cambridge, Mass.: Zone Books. pp. 67--99.
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  12. Aesthetics and History.Gaëtan Picon - 1953 - Diogenes 1 (4):31-51.
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  13. Rousseau en venezuela.Mariano Picon-Salas - 1943 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 4 (2):195-201.
  14.  49
    Immanent Realism: An Introduction to Brentano.Liliana Albertazzi - 2006 - Kluwer Academic Publishers.
    This book guides the readers through Brentano's life and works, investigating into the inherent complexity of both his view of mental life and the related methodology.
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    On the logic that preserves degrees of truth associated to involutive Stone algebras.Liliana M. Cantú & Martín Figallo - 2020 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 28 (5):1000-1020.
    Involutive Stone algebras were introduced by R. Cignoli and M. Sagastume in connection to the theory of $n$-valued Łukasiewicz–Moisil algebras. In this work we focus on the logic that preserves degrees of truth associated to S-algebras named Six. This follows a very general pattern that can be considered for any class of truth structure endowed with an ordering relation, and which intends to exploit many-valuedness focusing on the notion of inference that results from preserving lower bounds of truth values, and (...)
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  16. Franz Brentano's Psychology Today. A Programme of Empirical and Experimental Metaphysics.Liliana Albertazzi - 2002 - Brentano Studien 10:107-118.
    In this article I try to emphasise the following three main points: 1. Brentano's metaphysics is not speculative; it is instead a programme for scientific research. 2. Some components of his metaphysics, especially those relating to the problem of perceptive continua -- and many aspects of it developed experimentally by his pupils -- are today discussed not only by philosophy but also by the cognitive sciences, more or less accurately, more or less consciously. 3. Some areas of the cognitive sciences (...)
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  17. Fritz Mauthner: la critica della lingua.Liliana Albertazzi - 1986 - Lanciano: Rocco Carabba.
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  18. En busca de nosotros mismos. Acerca de la necesidad de la sabiduría para el hombre de Hoy.Liliana Beatríz Irizar - 2007 - Escritos 15 (35):280-297.
    En medio de una sociedad que nos invita constantemente a la extroversión, cabe preguntarnos si el encuentro con nosotros mismos a través de una actitud “interior” y reflexiva no puede representar un factor clave para detener, en alguna medida, el proceso de deshumanización que descompone a Occidente.
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    La nación-república en el Discurso de Angostura de Simón Bolívar.Liliana López - 2019 - Co-herencia 16 (31):375-393.
    El análisis propuesto en este texto señala que, en el proceso de imaginar y hacer posible la nación moderna en la América hispánica, el Libertador Simón Bolívar invocó el origen cívico y revolucionario de los nacientes Estados, y no la uniformidad etnocultural. En este aspecto, su postura fue radicalmente moderna y antigenealógica, en tanto afirmó que la unidad del carácter que supone la nación como comunidad política no tiene que coincidir, necesariamente, con los límites de las nacionalidades. Este artículo toma (...)
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    Actualism and Analyticity: Leibniz's early thoughts towards a synthesis between Lutheran metaphysics and the foundation of knowledge.Marine Picon - 2014 - The Leibniz Review 24:47-67.
    Recent scholarship has established that, until the mid-1670s, Leibniz did not hold the possibilist ontology which, in his mature philosophy, provides the foundation for both his account of human freedom and of eternal truth. Concentrating on the Mainz period , this paper examines the conciliation, in those early writings, of an actualist ontology and a conception of necessary truth as analytical. The first section questions the view that Leibniz was educated in a “Platonist” tradition; the second section presents the actualist (...)
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  21. Il problema dell' anima e la scienza d'oggi.C. Picone Chiodo - 1945 - [Milano]: Ultra.
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    Les abords N.-E. de l'agora de Thasos. 4. Notes sur les analyses de céramiques.Maurice Picon - 1989 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 113 (2):547-549.
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    Normes et objets du savoir dans les premiers essais leibniziens.Marine Picon - 2021 - Paris: Classiques Garnier. Edited by Pierre-François Moreau.
    Is the leibnizian'doctrine of science laying on a doctrine of knowledge? This book demonstrates that there is not such a dependence in Leibniz'searlier writings in which the theory of science is established, independently of any doctrine of understanting.
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    Paul Rateau , Lectures et interprétations des Essais de Théodicée de G. W. Leibniz.Marine Picon - 2012 - The Leibniz Review 22:161-165.
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    The Iliad and the categories of philosophy in the novel.Javier Picón Casas - 2009 - Discusiones Filosóficas 10 (14):43 - 61.
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    Una interpretación alternativa acerca de la apropiación originaria en John Locke.Liliana Spinella - 2013 - Praxis Filosófica 34:103-118.
    La versión tradicional respecto del rol del trabajo para la adquisición de la propiedad privada considera que la propiedad se adquiere a través de un inexplicable proceso de mezcla de “lo poseído” con “lo no poseído”. El objetivo de este artículo es brindar herramientas conceptuales a fin de elaborar una lectura alternativa. La propiedad privada sólo se considerará legítima si se obtiene mediante el trabajo entendido como una actividad productiva y generadora de valor acorde con los propósitos de Dios. El (...)
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    Naturalizing Phenomenology: A Must Have?Liliana Albertazzi - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:397576.
    Quite a few cognitive scientists are working toward a naturalization of phenomenology. Looking more closely at the relevant literature, however, the ‘naturalizing phenomenology’ proposals show the presence of different conceptions, assumptions, and formalisms, further differentiated by different philosophical and/or scientific concerns. This paper shows that the original Husserlian stance is deeper, clearer and more advanced than most supposed contemporary improvements. The recent achievements of experimental phenomenology show how to ‘naturalize’ phenomenology without destroying the guiding assumptions of phenomenology. The requirements grounding (...)
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    Reflections on different governance styles in regulating science: a contribution to ‘Responsible Research and Innovation’.Ine Hoyweghen, Jessica Mesman, David Townend & Laurens Landeweerd - 2015 - Life Sciences, Society and Policy 11 (1):1-22.
    In European science and technology policy, various styles have been developed and institutionalised to govern the ethical challenges of science and technology innovations. In this paper, we give an account of the most dominant styles of the past 30 years, particularly in Europe, seeking to show their specific merits and problems. We focus on three styles of governance: a technocratic style, an applied ethics style, and a public participation style. We discuss their merits and deficits, and use this analysis to (...)
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  29. Octavio Paz y el ensayo: conciencia y transparencia.Liliana Weinberg - 2020 - Araucaria 22 (43).
    Octavio Paz fue un lúcido intérprete de su siglo. Este trabajo explora aspectos decisivos de su propia definición como poeta y ensayista, así como de su trayectoria creativa y crítica, altamente representativa de las transformaciones del artista y el escritor contemporáneos. Los ecos de sus experiencias, prácticas de sociabilidad y lecturas, unidos a su sensibilidad y lucidez, hicieron que ya desde sus primeros textos en prosa Octavio Paz contribuyera a la reconfiguración del ensayo como género. Proponemos leer algunos textos del (...)
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    Avoiding uniformity in the Δ 2 0 enumeration degrees.Liliana Badillo & Charles M. Harris - 2014 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 165 (9):1355-1379.
    Defining a class of sets to be uniform Δ02 if it is derived from a binary {0,1}{0,1}-valued function f≤TKf≤TK, we show that, for any C⊆DeC⊆De induced by such a class, there exists a high Δ02 degree c which is incomparable with every degree b ϵ Ce \ {0e, 0'e}. We show how this result can be applied to quite general subclasses of the Ershov Hierarchy and we also prove, as a direct corollary, that every nonzero low degree caps with both (...)
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    Introduzione a Brentano.Liliana Albertazzi - 1999 - Laterza.
  32.  55
    Experimental phenomenology: What it is and what it is not.Liliana Albertazzi - 2019 - Synthese 198 (Suppl 9):2191-2212.
    Experimental phenomenology is the study of appearances in subjective awareness. Its methods and results challenge quite a few aspects of the current debate on consciousness. A robust theoretical framework for understanding consciousness is pending: current empirical research waves on what a phenomenon of consciousness properly is, not least because the question is still open on the observables to be measured and how to measure them. I shall present the basics of experimental phenomenology and discuss the current development of experimental phenomenology, (...)
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    Fit to Perform: A Profile of Higher Education Music Students’ Physical Fitness.Liliana S. Araújo, David Wasley, Emma Redding, Louise Atkins, Rosie Perkins, Jane Ginsborg & Aaron Williamon - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Fit to Perform: An Investigation of Higher Education Music Students’ Perceptions, Attitudes, and Behaviors toward Health.Liliana S. Araújo, David Wasley, Rosie Perkins, Louise Atkins, Emma Redding, Jane Ginsborg & Aaron Williamon - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8:285375.
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    Reconsidering Morphology Through an Experimental Case Study.Liliana Albertazzi, Luisa Canal, Paolo Chistè, Mara De Rosa, Rocco Micciolo & Alessandro Minelli - 2017 - Biological Theory 12 (3):131-141.
    This study analyzes shells of marine gastropods of a zoological museum and the Latin epithets expressing perceptual and connotative attributes that they have received in the standard, Linnaean nomenclature. Making use of the Osgood semantic differential, we presented the subjects with digital 3-D reproductions of the shell specimens to be subjectively evaluated according to 17 pairs of attributes. The results show that, overall, the subjective evaluations given by the subjects are consistent, which suggests that an intersubjective characterization of the shells (...)
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    Sobre el ejercicio del filosofar, y su enseñanza, como teoría y práctica en las diferencias.Liliana Guzmán & Paola Sosa Gauna - 2024 - Saberes y Prácticas. Revista de Filosofía y Educación 9 (1):1-9.
    Describimos en este texto el modo de abordaje de la enseñanza de la Filosofía en la UNSL desde la articulación con prácticas de docencia, investigación y extensión en torno a la inquietud del filosofar. Distinguimos previamente los encuadres teóricos que sostienen la propuesta y presentamos el dispositivo de enseñanza desde una puesta en obra dinámica de la noción de teoría como “caja de herramientas” (Foucault, Deleuze). Comprendemos esta experiencia de enseñanza como una convocatoria dinámica a filosofar, como una propuesta de (...)
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    Bildung: el despliegue del espíritu ante su retorno a la barbarie.Liliana Saavedra Rey, Sneider Saavedra Rey & Ania Quintero López - 2024 - Co-herencia 21 (40):199-229.
    “El retorno a la barbarie” designa un fenómeno cíclico advertido por los estudios contemporáneos que lo caracterizan como una propensión humana hacia la negación del otro, materializado en el siglo xxi en la exacerbación de la violencia, la irracionalidad ideológica, la destrucción ambiental, la exclusión social y la cosificación de individuos en dinámicas de rendimiento y consumo. Ante este cuestionamiento a la idea misma de humanidad, este artículo de investigación analiza el despliegue del espíritu inherente al concepto neohumanista Bildung de (...)
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  38. Stereokinetic shapes and their shadows.Liliana Albertazzi - 1996 - In Enrique Villanueva (ed.), Perception. Ridgeview Pub. Co. pp. 33--12.
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  39. Caracterización de Los instrumentos de evaluación Del desarrollo Del lenguaje para hablantes Del español.Liliana Isabel Neira & Francisco Castro - forthcoming - Areté. Revista de Filosofía.
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    Meinong und die Gegenstandstheorie.Liliana Albertazzi - 1995 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 50 (1):321-340.
    The essay underlines the complementarity between theory and experimentation as a characteristic feature of the Meinong-school. In particular, it deals with the nucleus of a theory of presentation implicit in the theory of production. In fact, on the basis of Benussi's experimental results, I distinguish between presentation and representation, relatively to the various phases of the moment-now as the qualitative primitive of cognition. This result has various consequences which shed light on the act-side: it shows that the production relation relates (...)
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  41. Programme on dialectical and historical materialism.Liliana Alexandrova (ed.) - 1981 - Sofia: Academy for Social Sciences and Social Management at the CC of the BCP.
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    Paisagens sem rosto.Liliana Dias Carvalho - 2005 - Cultura:177-182.
    O romance A Selva contou com quatro edições ilustradas: A de 1939, coordenada por Roberto Nobre, a de 1949, realizada por Machado da Luz, a de 1955, realizada por Cândido Portinari e uma última em 1974 realizada por Júlio Pomar. A primeira edição ilustrada correspondeu a um projecto de encomenda diferente das edições seguintes, nomeadamente da que serve aqui de termo de comparação, a de Portinari (1955). Roberto Nobre pretendia que oito ilustradores traduzissem picturalmente A Selva a partir de uma (...)
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  43. Tra Rhegion e Lokroi Epizephyrioi: nuovi datti archeologici sul confine ionico.Liliana Costamagna - 2000 - Annali Della Facoltà di Lettere E Filosofia:Università di Siena 21:1-18.
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    Constructive Talk in Challenging Classrooms. Strategies for Behaviour Management and Talk‐based Tasks ‐ By Valerie Coultas.Liliana Jacott - 2008 - British Journal of Educational Studies 56 (2):242-244.
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    Applicable Law for Contracts in the Sporting Context.Ines Medić - 2016 - Seeu Review 12 (1):197-221.
    This article presents an analysis of contractual relations in sport from the standpoint of the Croatian legislative system. Due to the complexity of the subject matter, the author considers only a small fragment of it - the significance and the role of sport in Croatian society and the law of contracts „as a cornerstone on which „sports law“ has been built and which is of primary importance in most areas where there is an interface between sport and the law, irrespective (...)
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  46. Źródła hermetyzmu i alchemii.Liliana Nawrot - 1999 - Nowa Krytyka 10.
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    Adolescence et déficience intellectuelle. Approche clinique de jeunes accueillis en Institut médicoprofessionnel (IMPro) ou en unité pédagogique d’intégration (UPI).Ingrid Picon - 2009 - Alter - European Journal of Disability Research / Revue Européenne de Recherche Sur le Handicap 3 (4):303-319.
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    Origine d'amphores du groupe dit Solocha II, trouvées en Russie.Maurice Picon - 1990 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 114 (1):390-393.
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    Platón, Aristóteles y la narrativa histórica.Javier Picón Casas - 2013 - Synthesis 20:53-70.
    Una de las cuestiones más llamativas de las obras de Platón y Aristóteles estriba en su silencio acerca de la historia. Leyeron y criticaron a físicos, filósofos, matemáticos, biólogos, poetas, retóricos, políticos, etc. Sin embargo, sus citas a propósito de los historiadores de su momento cabrían en una cuartilla. En este breve artículo tratamos de ofrecer una explicación a propósito de tal omisión. Así mismo, aprovechamos para ofrecer una razón del Menéxeno y aportar una confirmación de las razones que condujeron (...)
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    Rousseau in venezuela, translation of Rousseau en Venezuela.Mariano Picon-Salas - 1943 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 4:201.
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